Today our little miracle is officially 5 months old! Time keeps ticking
away so quickly.... Last Friday he finally figured out how to roll from
back to belly, and now he is our little rolly polly going where he
pleases. As daddy says, next is crawling! He smiles, he laughs
(especially at daddy and big brother), he's ticklish under his chin,
arms, legs and and feet and gives off the cutest belly aching laughs
when tickled. He found his feet last month and of course those have been
another object that gets put into his mouth, so adorable. He has been
reaching for toys (and anything else) for awhile now but is able to
focus more on objects. He knows who everyone is and when asked where
daddy, mommy and big brother are he looks directly at each person. He has
slept soundly through the night for a couple of months now, there are
those rare times that he has woken up at 4 am ready to eat and then goes right
back to sleep. He's definitely our little piggy! He has started holding his own bottle but still needs a
little support with it. Plenty of time to master that skill. :)) He
still has the hair of a little Marine. ;) He has had 3 servings of
apples, 3 servings of rice cereal and 1 serving of sweet carrots (which
he does not like yet). His favorite is apples, of course. He has made
the DADA sound when yelling, but hasn't formed it to the word for being
used yet and it has only been a couple times. While driving the other day he yelled out WOW and big brother starts clapping a yelling he said his first word.... hahaha! He is a complete daddy's boy
and requires daddy time every evening or he gets pissed off beyond
belief.... Hopefully this does not continue on in the next year or two when a deployment takes place.... lol... Still no teeth but PLENTY of drool and placing anything he can get his hands on into his mouth to chew on! He is growing so very fast! I am so lucky and grateful to be able to be home and see each and every one of his little and big milestones take place and fully develop. I will do little activities with him and say things to him that I was able to do with our oldest. And when big brother is here I'll tell him all about the silly little things that I do with Mikey that I also did with him. He loves hearing about when he was a baby and is always saying how cute and sweet his little brother is. He loves him so very much and has even asked when he'll get another one.... hahaha.... Eventually... For now we are enjoying the growth and development of our
Big Mr. Mikey Man. :))
1 Month old |
2 Months old |
3 Months old |
4 Months old |
5 Months old |
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