05 March 2013

Baby B is 1 month away from being 1 YEAR old!!!!!

This little dude of ours is growing waaaay too fast.... :(  In the past month alone he has developed such a character change.... 
He LOVES being outdoors, going on walks and runs, chilling out watching his brother and friends play and making my at home workouts interesting with climbing on crawling on and attempting to stand on any part of my body within reach! 
He has developed a mischievous side to him as well. "Mikey, don't do that, you know better"  with a response of a little smile, squinted eyes and then takes off full speed away from what he shouldn't be doing..... 

At one point last month I caught glimpses of green throughout his eyes. HOPING that he would have green eyes like me, SOMETHING that shows he came from me.... But this past week his eye have been more brown, showing he is a spitting image of his daddy.... Maybe I can claim the long fingers since I, too, have those?

He now has 6 going on 8 teeth.... I had forgotten how terrible teething was/is... Now I know why I forgot. He constantly has his fingers or various toys and objects in his mouth.
Last month he had his first Self Feeding Spaghetti Meal: Pictures HERE 
Oh what fun that was. He didn't know what to make of the feeling in his hands first, then once it made it to his mouth, the devouring began!

He also took his first Official Steps to his big brother! (Videos HERE)
Videos were immediately sent to daddy who was away at his parent's home, caring for his mom until she had passed. He was upset that he couldn't wait another week to do so (when he was coming home). 
But so proud and happy at the same time.

Getting him to stay still for anything is impossible now! Always on the go, and now that he can walk and hold toys, I'm constantly finding various toys throughout the house. He is LOVING his new ability! I love seeing him discover new things and recognize that he can do something new almost daily!

He LOVES food food (not just his baby food). No matter what meal we're having he has to have a bite or ten (cut itty bitty of course). If he doesn't get a bite, he'll let us know how he feels about it! 
He's always smiling, unless he's super tired, poopy or hungry. 
Then it's a yell or cry. 
But all in all he's pretty darn content. There were, of course, moments where he refused to let me put him down, this had a lot to do with teething and catching a nasty bug big brother brought home from school.

 Mastered/Advanced Skills
~Walking like a CHAMP!
~ Crawling super fast!
~ Eats with fingers
~ Climbs on everything!
~ Bangs everything together (or on the floor!)
~ Knows what up, down mean
~ Waves hi
~Waves Bye-Bye
~Says Bye-Bye
~Tries repeating numbers and ABC's 
~Sings/Yells to tunes while dancing/banging his head on the couch
~Says Dada, Bra (to brother) and WooWoo (to our dog), Spits/Blows raspberries at me when I ask him to say Mama. (Ya, still no Mama love)
 Weight: abt. 27lbs
Height: 31.7in.

I am so looking forward to seeing all of his skills further develop. With big brother and friends here all the time he picks up on so much. And every one of them loves him to pieces as he does them. But I know it will come to be him being the little brother who gets into everything.... And he's just going to smile and take off. Ya.... Between both boys (and possibly another baby along the way) I've got my work cut out for me.

Daddy decided today that our little monkey butt, Mikey Monkey, will have a monkey birthday theme for his First Birthday! :) Looking forward to that with family and friends AND his 1 year old birthday photos! Lots to do and plan for (mainly for everyone that will be here because he'll be a happy camper with just the attention). :)


  1. So adorable your little guy. And loved all the pictures and the video was too cute :)

  2. Aww he is such an adorable little guy.:)

  3. Cute baby! My baby is about to turn 1 also and she started saying everything but mom, until about a couple of weeks ago!


  4. Adri does the same squinty eye running away thing when she's being naughty. It's so hilariously adorable that I can't be upset.
    A monkey themed party seems perfect for him! Looking forward to seeing pictures! (:

  5. He is so very adorable! Love the pictures!

  6. What a sweetie!! So much personality and those eyes!! Thanks for sharing him with us. I am following you after finding your site on the MTM Mixer. Glad to be a new reader. Hope you'll stop by and visit as well!!

    Penny at Green Moms and Kids


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