26 December 2012

Christmas Eve & Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve was filled with lots of love with family and friends that were over for a traditional Polish dinner cooked by the hubby and my BIL. Followed by Christmas movies and drinks....


Christmas morning was definitely not the same. My man-child woke up with family in California bright and early. Earlier than we woke up here in Chicago. The hubby made the traditional breakfast casserole served with Christmas morning mimosas. After my FIL finished getting my MIL ready we ate and eventually opened gifts. I'm glad I stayed so the hubby was able to enjoy our little man's
first Christmas!
 Low and behold, it even SNOWED! Just as the hubby had wanted! I was so happy to be able to do FaceTime with my man-child as he showed me all the cool things he made out with from the entire family on his dad's side. I spent the afternoon and early evening incapacitated in bed with a headache from hell! Only a small cup of coffee all day will do that to me.... Little man made out with some cool Bears swag, new hightop converse shoes to match daddy, and a few toys! His great aunt brought an old high chair by, one that his dad used when he was a baby, comes in handy big time!

In a few days I head back home to NC with the little man while the hubby stays here. He's still working on the HUMS orders to stay here until the brain disease takes mom completely.... Daily things are fading from her.... A medical bed will come in for the first floor this week, it has become difficult getting her up and down the stairs... I'm sad to leave but and relieved to get back home and take care of all the things that are falling apart there now too.... It is hard to uproot everything and leave it all up to a good a friend to take care of, especially two dogs that have started retaliating against us not being home.....


  1. Sounds like overall you had a good Christmas. Great pictures. Glad you were able to be with your husband and family.

    I can't believe you got to enjoy snow. My husband keeps hoping it's going to snow here in SC, but I don't see it happening. :)

  2. So glad you were able to spend time with family.Hugs!

  3. Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Cheers to a new year!I have just joined the Blog Hop and it is so great to meet (and follow :) )wonderful people like you!

  4. Stopping by from the blog hop. Beautiful post, tell your husband to enjoy his time with his mom. Lost my dad 3 years ago to ALS, last Christmas was precious.

  5. Merry Christmas to your family :)!!


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